Can Police Lie During an Investigation?

Maverick Ray Law
June 29, 2023

What You Should Know Before Speaking with the Police

Most people know that when talking to the police, they need to tell the truth. And that if they don’t, they can get themselves in trouble. But did you know that the investigators don’t have to be truthful? In fact, they can flat-out lie about the facts of the case - including what they know and don’t know - to get you to confess.

If you have been asked to meet with investigators, consult with a lawyer first. At Maverick Ray & Associates, our experienced criminal defense attorneys know the tactics commonly used by Houston law enforcement to get information and/or confessions from those they interview. We can explain your rights and either speak to them on your behalf or assist you in speaking with the authorities directly. Call (281) 672-8029 today to speak with a Houston criminal defense attorney for FREE.

Can Investigators Lie to You?

Believe it or not, the answer is yes. The reality is that the police can absolutely lie to you during an interrogation. And sadly, it is not at all uncommon for them to do so. Police often make false statements about what evidence they have and don’t have against you. They can even falsely claim they have the authority to make a deal with you if you confess, which is simply not true. Only prosecutors can offer you a deal or a lesser charge.

Why Do They Lie?

Investigators lie as a tactic to obtain evidence and to get you to confess. Many take issue with these tactics because they frequently result in an innocent person falsely confessing to a crime they did not commit.

If they are attempting to find evidence against both you and other individuals, they often try to get the parties to “turn” on each other. They do this by trying to get you to give details that implicate others involved and get the other individuals to give evidence against you.

What Police Lie About

They can lie and say they have evidence they don’t really have. They can falsely tell you they have witnesses or surveillance footage linking you to their claims of wrongdoing - even when they don’t. And they can tell you that if you confess, they can cut you a deal even though they really can’t.

Another popular interrogation technique is the “good cop/bad cop” approach. This is when one officer harshly accuses you of committing a crime while the other one pretends to be on your side, acting like they are your ally and confidant. This approach aims to get you to tell key pieces of information to the “nice cop,” which can ultimately get you charged and convicted.

Your Rights During an Interrogation

Police interrogation tactics manipulate the thoughts and emotions of those who are the subject of their investigation. These techniques can also prevent suspects from asking for a lawyer before speaking with investigators.

Most of us are familiar with “Miranda Rights.” These rights, derived from the 1966 U.S. Supreme Court case of Miranda v. Arizona, is phrased as follows:

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?”

Miranda rights help to preserve your 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination by allowing you to remain silent.

Remaining Silent During a Police Interrogation

Sadly, many individuals who are being interrogated by police ultimately end up waiving their right to remain silent. Choosing to speak with law enforcement often leads to criminal convictions, jail time, and a criminal record. That is why it is critical to invoke your right to remain silent and ask to speak with an attorney immediately.

Consult with a Houston Criminal Defense Attorney Before Talking with the Police

Don’t let the officer’s tactics force you into a false confession. Remember, the investigators can - and likely will - lie to you to confuse you and get you to admit to something you may or may not have done. That is why our Houston defense attorneys highly recommend declining an officer’s request to speak about the incident and consulting with an attorney right away.
At Maverick Ray & Associates, we know all of the tactics used by investigators and prosecutors and can offer direction as to what to say and what not to say to the police. We will also explain your rights and take all necessary steps to ensure your rights and freedoms are protected. Speak with our criminal defense lawyers in Houston today by contacting us online or calling (281) 672-8029.